
You’re Doing That Wrong is a journal of various successes and failures by Dan Sturm.

Fountain for Cheaters

Fountain for Cheaters

Earlier today Brett Terpstra posted Cheaters, a “customizable cheat sheet system”. It’s easy to use, super helpful, and just all around awesome.

I had a little time this afternoon so I whipped up a Fountain syntax guide, pulled from the fountain.io syntax page. Here are links to the Fountain sheet and the modified CSS file. Follow Brett’s instructions to customize your own cheatsheet.

I plan on adding my SP-MMD syntax to my cheatsheet, as well as my still-in-development MultiMarkdown sildeshow presentation tool.

FYI, since I’m strictly an amateur, I make no guarantees that this will work as well for you as it does for me.

A huge thanks to Brett for this insanely useful tool.